A BRIEF HISTORY of STAINLESS BLADE STEEL by Bernard Levine (c)1989,1998 Updated from "KNIFE LORE" #13, NATIONAL KNIFE MAGAZINE, AUGUST 1989 The story of stainless steel spanned a century of research into the alloy potential of chromium, plus a further three decades in the perfection of heat treatment. The invention of stainless steel required the ability to see beyond the obvious, indeed to defy the clear conclusions of scientific research. By 1819, Faraday and Stodardt in Britain had formulated the first alloy of iron and chromium, and had demonstrated that adding chromium increased iron's resistance to corrosion. Then, in France, Berthier combined Faraday's ferrochrome with carbon steel to form the first chromium steel. A few blades were forged from this alloy. They had superior cutting ability but did not resist corrosion from strong acids, or even from sea water. Much later their chromium content was found to be less than 3%. In New York in 1865, Julius Baur patented a chromium alloy steel, and promoted its enhanced toughness for safes and jail bars. Custom knifemakers in San Francisco (Will & Finck) forged slicer blades from it (at $100 to $350 each), but these turned black and pitted with use. This alloy's chromium content was around 5-7%, and at those levels chromium, in the presence of carbon and the absence of nickel, acts as a catalyst that encourages iron to oxidize. This phenomenon was demonstrated by English metallurgist Robert Hadfield (the inventor of manganese steel) in 1892, and the search for chromium based stainless steel very nearly ended. There matters stood until 1914. Then two men, unknown to each other, returned to Faraday's original finding. Both noted that the effects of increased chromium content did not appear to be linear. Both wondered what would happen if a lot more chromium were added. Harry Brearley was in the industry, research metallurgist at the Firth steel works in Sheffield. Elwood Haynes of Kokomo, Indiana, was the consummate amateur scientist, a schoolteacher with a modest metallurgy lab in his basement -- amateur or not, Haynes had founded America's first automobile manufacturer two decades earlier, and had already invented and commercialized the "Stellite" brand alloys of cobalt and tungsten. Both men observed that when they pushed the chromium content of a carbon alloy steel up past about 11%, again while excluding nickel, they produced an alloy that resisted corrosion from all but the strongest reagents, and which could be hardened and tempered much like plain high-carbon steel (chromium-nickel stainless steels are even more corrosion resistant, but they cannot be hardened). Both men applied for patents, and that was when they learned of each other. Both recalled the generations-long litigation over the sewing machine and telephone patents. Rather than fight, and likely die bankrupt, they pooled their applications (Brearley did go to court, to fight his employer's claim to his share, but they settled to the enrichment of both). Development was stalled by World War I, as chromium was essential to machinery parts, while Haynes Stellite could be used where corrosion resistance was vital -- high-speed cutters for cast iron, searchlight reflectors, and certain surgical instruments. After the war Brearley and Haynes created a brilliantly simple licensing scheme. The thousands of fabricators who wanted to use stainless steel each received a free license, its only requirement being that the licensee report his sources of supply. Steel makers -- fewer than 100 in the world -- paid for their licenses, but merely with a modest per-ton royalty. Only one steel firm tried to evade, and the others helped pay for the litigation that punished it. * * * SEQUEL In the generation after 1919, stainless steel knives came to dominate the consumer kitchen and table cutlery market, but the quality of mass-produced blades rarely matched that attainable in the laboratory. The problem was "retained austenite." Austenite is the soft form of carbon steel. In the batch heat-treating of stainless blades, varying amounts of austenite would fail to be transformed into hard "martensite." This problem so tarnished the reputation of stainless steel blades that many consumers are still skeptical of them today -- even though this problem was solved in the early 1950s. This part of the story is hazy, but evidently the solution was discovered by Emerson Case, president of Robeson Cutlery Co. in Rochester, New York. I believe he got the idea from a careful reading of the new 1951 edition of the "Republic Enduro Stainless Steels" handbook, in particular the seemingly unrelated chapter, "Effect of Sub-Atmospheric Temperatures on the Properties of Stainless Steel." The chapter describes the effects on variously treated stainless steels of using and abusing them in extreme cold -- the stratosphere, polar regions in winter, and harsh industrial environments such as "refrigeration of frozen foods, petroleum dewaxing, [and] synthetic rubber manufacture..." Two sets of data in this chapter likely pointed Case in the right direction. The first is on page 159: "The quenched and tempered hardenable chromium types show a more gradual change from ductile to brittle behavior, and can retain some degree of ductile characteristics to the neighborhood of -75 degrees F." In other words, if you want stainless blade steel to stay soft, do not chill it below -75 degrees F. The second set of data is depicted in the graph on page 169. It plots the effect of temperature on the impact resistance of conventionally hardened and tempered 440-C blade steel. Unlike the charts for all the other stainless steel types, such as the nickel-based 300 series, which are more or less S-shaped, reflecting significant reactions to low temperatures, this one is a nearly straight horizontal line throughout the range of testing, from -200 to +200 degrees F. In other words, chilling stainless blade steel below -75 degrees, even down to -200 degrees, does not harm it. Put these two sets of data together and what do you get? What Emerson Case got was the Robeson "Frozen Heat" process: "Knife blades are loosely piled in trays, and are heat treated in an oven to a temperature... [slightly] above the temperature normally used... The blades are then bathed in quenching oil at about 140 degrees F. and left there long enough to cool to bath temperature. The blades are [then] cleaned and clamped tightly together to prevent warping, and then [are] placed in the freezing chamber [where they are] exposed to temperatures of -100 degrees F. for about 45 minutes. After that they are heat treated to relieve the usual stresses..., cooled gradually to room temperature, and tempered by reheating again." Variations of this process are today used on all but the cheapest of stainless steel knife blades. And unlike other "early" stainless blades, 45-year old Robeson "Frozen Heat" blades are equal in quality to the best knives made today. * * * Bernard Levine is the author of "Levine's Guide to Knives and Their Values, 4th Edition," and writes for "Knife World" and "Blade" magazines. Bernard Levine PO Box 2404 Eugene OR 97402-0124 541-484-0294 brlevine@ix.netcom.com http://www.knife-expert.com/