BERNARD LEVINE'S KNIFE LORE NUMBER 58 MAY 1993 (c)1993 Bernard Levine, exclusive to the NKCA PERRET ON POCKETKNIFE PATTERNS In the January and March installments of this column we met 18th century Parisian master cutler Jean Jacques Perret. We did not actually meet him in person, of course. Rather, we read a translation into English of several chapters from his three- volume masterwork, L'Art du Coutelier (The Art of the Cutler), published in 1771. In January Monsieur Perret explained to us how he made twist damascus steel, a strong and attractive material for which he found such diverse uses as table knives and executioners' swords. That 222 year old explanation should (but won't) put to rest the silly lies of such pseudo-historians as Raymond Thorp, who claimed that the art of forging damascus was somehow lost, and needed to be rediscovered. Ever since 1771, when the making of both real and fake damascus was commonplace, the method of forging damascus has been available to anyone with a library card. Indeed, damascus steel blades were made in Europe, without any interruption, from long before Perret's time right through 1945, and are made there still today. In March Perret showed us some of the hand tools that could be found on his workbench. He explained in detail how those tools were made -- on the principle that anyone competent enough to make knives and scissors, was certainly competent enough to make drills, scrapers, and pliers. He also explained, in general terms, how those tools were used. This month we shall return to The Art of the Cutler. In this installment, Perret shares with us one of the most important but least understood elements of the cutler's art, the making and using of patterns. Some contemporary hand knifemakers claim that no two of their knives are ever alike. This claim can be a boast of artistic freedom, as was the case with William Wales Scagel (1873-1963), but more often it is really a confession of technical incompetence. Much like an abstract painter who cannot draw, a knifemaker who cannot repeat a successful design has not really mastered his craft. The key to repeatable standard designs for a knifemaker is a set of durable patterns. This is especially important for makers of folding knives, because each folding knife must not only look like its prototype, it must also operate mechanically just as smoothly as its prototype. A springless folder of the simple "penny knife" type can be individually tuned with a hammer, but a knife with blades, springs, liners, and locking devices is a precision machine with no more margin for error than the proverbial gnat's eyelash. This fact about pocketknives as precision machines was just as true in 1771 as it is today. Anyone who tells you that knives were "primitive" back then is either ignorant, or lying, or both. In fact the best knives then were more mechanically complex, and sometimes more ornate, than almost any knives being made today. Of course plain and simple knives were also made then, just as plain and simple knives are made today, but even those plain 18th century knives were very far from primitive. Perret achieved consistent appearance and consistent mechanical action in his folding knives by the careful use of patterns. Here is his explanation, from L'Art du Coutelier. Chapter 15 PATTERNS, AND HOW ONE MAKES THEM by Jean Jacques Perret Nothing contributes more to the regularity of one's work, and to speeding up one's execution, than does making use of patterns. This is especially true of master part patterns which, having been made with precision, serve as a basis for all similar pieces which one plans to work upon. Each pattern is made of steel forged out to a length that is appropriate to the item one wishes to make. Their thickness is around that of a 24 sols piece [an old French quarter]. One need not temper patterns precisely, but it is important to harden them to a blue color, about that of water, for two essential reasons. First, if they were not hardened at all, one might readily damage them with even the lightest touch of a file "escaping" from the workpiece. Second, if they were made too hard, they would be very brittle, and would be at risk of shattering into many pieces when they are clamped in the vise with the workpiece. One can avoid the latter sort of accident by tempering them to a cherry red color, after hardening them to a color like water. For the rest, each pattern does not need to be filed [and finished], except along its edges. It is sufficient merely that they be forged uniformly with the hammer, and that they be what one might call well planed. What is of ultimate importance, however, is that they be precisely and squarely laid out, with exact dimensions of length and width. This is because if a pattern has even one little flaw, that same flaw will be repeated in every single workpiece made with that pattern. Even though patterns are a great help in speeding up one's work, nonetheless there really is no such thing as a general purpose pattern for cutlery making [as contrasted to tools, most of which do serve a variety of purposes]. Now we are going to detail some of the [various types of] patterns which can be useful. PLATE XIX GOES SOMEWHERE NEAR HERE DINNER KNIFE PATTERNS The first pattern is the one for table knives. Private citizens ordinarily buy a matching set of a dozen table knives, or at least six. It is necessary that all of these knives be equal in length and width. This equality cannot be achieved efficiently, except by filing all their blades against a pattern. Figure 1 shows a pattern for a pointed table knife [what we would today call a steak knife]. Figure 2 shows another style, with a rounded tip. For each style it is necessary to make patterns for a variety of lengths and widths. POCKETKNIFE PATTERNS Figure 3 shows the pattern for the blade of a spring knife. Figure 4 shows the pattern for its backspring. For these styles it is also necessary to make a variety of different sized patterns, such as from 3 to 6 [French Royal] inches. [A French inch was 1/12 longer than an English inch, so this size range was actually 3-1/4 to 6-1/2 of our inches.] Note that the method of filing the parts of a spring-back knife against their patterns is only applicable to those with a square tang, and without any "secret" mechanisms. Look at the tang (A) of Figure 3. One may, by means of a well-made pattern, file two pieces at a time, by putting one on each side, and the pattern in the middle. One joins the two tangs by means of a "false" [or temporary] rivet, and one uses the hand-vise to hold the two points together. Then, without any risk, one can file both pieces right down to the pattern. Figure 5 represents the pattern for a bistoury [a surgical knife similar to a scalpel] with a convex cutting edge. Figure 6 is another bistoury, with a concave cutting edge. Figure 7 is one with a straight cutting edge. [Folding bistouries did not have backsprings. The stubby projection of the tang served as a blade stop.] Figure 8 is the pattern for an "oat grain" lancet [a blood- letting instrument whose point was shaped like an oat grain]. Figure 9 is the pattern for a "pyramidal grain" lancet. Figure 10 is the pattern for a "barley grain" lancet. Both with lancets and with bistouries, one files two pieces at a time, but they should only be held together with a "false" rivet [not at the points]. A "false" rivet is a rivet made of steel, which tapers almost imperceptibly from one end to the other. One rounds it carefully. Then one smoothes it. Then one hardens it, and draws it to blue. See Nos. 1, 2, 3 at the bottom of Plate XX [below]. [A modern name for Perret's "false rivet" would be "drift pin."] Figure 11 shows the pattern for the backspring of a one- blade quill knife; figure 12 is the pattern for its blade. Figure 13 is the pattern for the spring of a double-ended quill knife [with the second blade shown below Figure 12]. Figure 14 [far right] shows the pattern for the handle of the spring-back quill knife with one blade. Figure 15 [to the left of Fig. 14] is the one for the two-bladed quill knife. SQUARE AND CLEAN JOINTS Figure 16 shows the pattern for [the handle of] a spring- back knife with a square tang. One must pay careful attention to this example, because it provides the basis and standard for all the others [which follow]. I will demonstrate that in locating the rivet holes geometrically, one will readily succeed in making a knife with all the correct proportions required of a square tang. By contrast, it is a lot of trouble to accomplish this when one has located the holes haphazardly. [As I explain in Levine's Guide III, on page 274, under the picture of four folders reproduced from Perret, the square and clean joint was common practice (and a mark of quality) on 18th century French and English spring-back pocketknives. In this elegant construction, the square tang exactly filled the joint in all three positions: open, half-open, and closed.] Figure 16 is divided into four equal parts, the long way. On the center line, numbered (1), is located the first hole, for the [head] end of the spring. On line (2), at (e) [not marked] one locates the center hole for the spring. And halfway between lines (1) and (3) is placed the hole for the blade [pivot]. Can you see that the tang of the is blade well squared [Fig. 3], and that plenty of width is allowed for the spring? That is why the handle is divided into four equal parts. One allows three parts for the width of the tang, and one part for the width of the spring. What's more, the center hole is not shown in the sketch. [To locate this hole] it is necessary to divide the length of the pattern into five equal parts, and to allow three parts between (e) [the location of the center hole] and (g) [the head or non- blade end]. [This seems to be a typographical error, because the center hole in the spring (Fig. 4) is two-fifths of the way from the end, not three-fifths.] To make sense of this observation, it is necessary to consider that the flexible part of the spring is between (e) [the center hole] and (f) [the blade end, not marked], while the stiff part is between (e) and (g) [the head end]. Now, if the flexible part is not one-third longer than the stiff part, the spring will not be able to take the strain that would be required of it. It will break at (h) [not shown, but probably in front of the center hole]. If one gives more than three parts [of five] to part (e-f), one will be obliged to give more length to the spring, without which it would become too feeble to "return" [make the blade snap into place]. This larger sized spring would produce a destructive force, in that the edge of the blade would be caused to strike against the backspring, and would be chipped every time one wanted to close the knife. Alternately one could abandon the rules of the [cutler's] art, and make the blade narrower than the handle. Thus, this is the principle: when one reaches the stage [in the art] where one would like to make a square tang knife, it is necessary to follow the divisions of lines and the dimensions of holes, as they are shown on the pattern in Figure 16. DOUBLE-END KNIVES Figure 17 shows the pattern for a two-blade knife with square tangs [on both blades]. Although it appears to have been laid out differently [from Figure 16] the final result is the same. Much as Figure 16 is divided into four parts, Figure 17 is divided into eight parts. And it is by the latter [example] that I shall allow you to see clearly the exact proportions of the square tang, which occupies six parts of the handle; the hole finds itself placed naturally in the center [of the tang]; and two parts are reserved for the width of the spring. The bottom of the pattern (B) is divided in the same manner, because it also holds a square tang, such as those drawn in Figures 18, 19, & 20. The first of these [Fig. 18] is the pattern for a cork-pulling hook. [Corkscrews had only recently come into use in 1771, and they would not entirely replace the much less efficient cork-hooks in France for another generation or two.] The second [Fig. 19] is the pattern for a small punch. The third [Fig. 20] is the pattern for a long punch, suitable for wagon drivers. [This style of eyed punch was primarily designed for mending broken harness.] Figure 21 [center] shows the pattern for the spring of a double-end knife. COMPASS JOINT Figure 22 [left of center] shows the pattern for a knife called "compass joint" (a tete de compas). The layout for this style is different from the others. The tang of the blade cannot be made to stop halfway open [because it is round]. The blade is held open and shut by a little hook practically at the end of the spring, as shown at (C) in Figure 23 [Plate XX]. That hook engages one of the two notches made in the tang of the blade at (D), in Figure 24. So, to give this tang the required strength, it is necessary to divide the width of its pattern into five parts, allowing four parts for the tang, and only one for the spring. PLATE XX GOES SOMEWHERE NEAR HERE Drill the hole in the center of the "compass." Then file the head round, as drawn. Leave the square at (K) for the spring to strike. ["K" is not marked, but is probably the "run up" of the tang; see LG-III page 32.] The spring is one-fifth the width of the pattern. Then one will have a precise pattern, lacking only the two additional holes, which may be located by following the same directions as accompany Figure 16. LOCKBACK FOLDERS Figure 25 shows the pattern for a "button knife" (couteau a mouche). This pattern is also divided into five parts. One allows four parts for the tang, and one part for the width of the spring. Also, part of the width of the spring is divided into two halves, of which one half is cut away to form the "channel" at (P), which accommodates the button on the end of the spring [not shown; the button is lifted to release the lock]. The other half [of the spring] is notched, so that it can engage [the notch in] the tang of the blade, much like a door latch, as indicated at (q) in Figure 26. The button knife may be made either square-tang or compass- joint. For the square tang version, the handle should extend to the corners (r r), Figure 26. One would leave the [rounded] extension to (O) for the compass joint version. Figure 27 shows the pattern for a type of button knife called a [plug] bayonet knife, because it can be placed in the end of a rifle. This pattern is laid out the same as the previous one. Note that on these button knives one can only file the handle to the pattern. The [ends of the] blade and the spring should not be filed [all the way down] to the patterns, because of the delicate adjustments required for the "secret" lock mechanisms. Figure 28 shows a straight pattern, which can serve for shaping several styles of handles. Examples include "pump" knives [with a lock release stud in the back; see LG-I page 274, Fig. 43], split-spring rosette secret knives [LG-III page 286, bottom right], military knives [LG-I page 274, Fig. 41], etc. All these different constructions will be detailed in later chapters. OTHER FOLDING KNIVES Figure 29 shows the pattern for the handle of a pruning knife that should never have a true square and clean joint. It is necessary to leave 3 or 4 lignes [1 ligne = 1/12 French Royal inch] of additional height [shown] at (r), to give solidity to the blade, which it will need. [The true square and clean joint is elegant, but it is not strong enough for such hard use as pruning trees.] Only pruning knife handles can be shaped with a pattern, because [gardeners'] taste in blade shapes varies so much. If you try to make a pattern for each one, you will soon find yourself with more pruning blade patterns than you can count. Figure 30 shows the pattern for the blade of a gressoir [horticultural grafting knife]. Figure 31 shows its handle, and Figure 32 its spring. The grafting knife handle pattern is laid out following the example in Figure 16, as far as the holes for the blade pivot and the center of the spring are concerned. However, two holes are required at the head end (x x), to hold a piece of ivory that one calls the ecusson [bark lifter], which is represented by the dotted line around (Z). [In modern French an ecussonoir is a budding knife.] Figure 33 shows the pattern for the handle of a bistoury with concave cutting edge. [The blade pattern is shown in Figure 6.] Figure 34 is for making the handle of a straight-edged bistoury; Figure 35 for the handle of convex-edged type. Figure 36 is the pattern for a lancet handle. Figure 37 is the pattern for a razor handle. Figure 38 is the pattern for the handle of a [surgeon's] folding lithotome. Figure 39 shows the pattern for the handle of a spring-back quill knife. Its handle is thick and fills the hand, much like the handle of a fixed blade pen knife. Figure 40 shows the pattern for the blade of this folding pen knife, while Figure 41 is the pattern for its spring. Figure 42 shows the pattern for [the handle of] a split spring knife. Figure 43 [in Plate XIX, bottom left] shows the pattern for [the handle of] a "pump" knife, also called a passe- par-tout. * * * Mr. Bill Adams of Atlanta Cutlery Corporation has donated a fascinating collection of old Sheffield cutlers' tools to the NKCA Museum. The collection includes a large variety of steel patterns, most of them used for making elaborate multi-bladed horseman's and sportsman's knives. Many of the patterns are stamped with the mark of the cutler who made and used them. I plan to discuss these tools in detail in a future issue of the magazine. Here is a photo of a few of these steel patterns. PHOTO 1 GOES HERE * * *